Truckstar Festival 2017 – English Information
Truckstar Festival is Europe’s largest annual trucking event. The 2017 edition will be held on 29 and 30 July at Assen’s TT Circuit. We will welcome a stunning 2,200 trucks!
These trucks and their drivers will make their presence felt and heard, and together with an expected 55,000 visitors Truckstar Festival will yet again be a weekend full of diesel, chrome, fun and a great atmosphere.
Order here your tickets:
Normal tickets
Roadcard tickets**
Admission Fees in 2017:
Earlybird (stops 30/6) | Weekend ticket | Saturday ticket | Sunday ticket | Children’s ticket* |
Pre-sale Roadcard prices** Earlybird |
€ 25.00 | € 17.50 | € 14.00 | € 4.00 |
Pre-sale standard prices Earlybird |
€ 27.50 | € 19.00 | € 15.00 | € 5.00 |
Admission at the gates | € 32.00 | € 23.00 | € 17.50 | € 10.00 |
Presale (stops 28/7) | Weekend ticket | Saturday ticket | Sunday ticket | Childeren’s ticket* |
Pre-sale Roadcard prices** | € 32,50 | € 20,00 | € 16,00 | € 6,00 |
Pre-sale standard prices | € 35,00 | € 22,50 | € 17,50 | € 7,50 |
Kassaverkoop TT-Circuit | € 37,50 | € 25,00 | € 20,00 | € 10,00 |
Presale will stop at 28/7
*Children up to 4 years of age have free entrance. Children’s tickets are for children aged 5 to 12 and are valid for the entire weekend.
** The Roadcard is a discount card issued by Truckstar Magazine to its subscribers at the annual cost of 7.90 euros. It offers discounts at Truckstar merchandise, Truckstar Festival tickets and products bought in the Roadcardshop.
37th edition of the Truckstar Festival
Truckstar Festival 2017 will be the 37th edition. The first edition of Truckstar Festival was organised back in 1981, at the Groenoordhallen in Leiden. Two years later it moved to the famous race track at Zandvoort, where it remained for a number of years. In 1992, the Festival was relocated to Assen’s TT Circuit and it has been there ever since.
Even though each year it is packed with exciting demonstrations and thrilling contests, Truckstar Festival is known mostly for its laidback and enjoyable atmosphere, making it a wonderful weekend, or day out for the entire family!
Big, happy trucking village
During the event, the TT racetrack turns into one happy transport village, with hundreds and hundreds trucks on display, among which some very special trucks, also from abroad. In addition to the various static displays there will be stunts and races as well, and unique demonstrations such as last year’s main act: Indian Pete.

The TT racetrack turns into an enormous truck stop for about 1,700 Dutch trucks that are parked on both sides of the track. On the paddock another 500 trucks that make up the ‘special categories’ take their positions.
Plenty of stunting going on in front of the grand stand through out the weekend.
Be there with your truck!
Do you have a special truck which would you love to show to the crowds at Assen? You will be able to apply for an invitation for our special categories. Each year we invite many special trucks from all over Europe. These are special-paint trucks, show trucks or vehicles that are otherwise special, like: American trucks, classic trucks or heavy wreckers for instance.
If you have any further questions, please email us at: festival@truckstar.nl.

A Norwegian visitor, a beautiful Volvo VN.

At night the showtrucks make a colourful light display.
Each year Europe’s most extravagant showtrucks make their way to Assen. In 2016 Jakob Pedersen’s Scania R730 combination was chosen Best of Show after it got the first prize in Show truck competition.
2017 programme
The 2016 programme is going to be both exciting and entertaining. Have a seat on the grand stand and watch caravan being raced to smithereens, hear the noisiest trucks thunder past during our decibells contest and enjoy the stuntshows. More info here.
The truck contests
Not to be missed either: the announcements of the winners in our truck contests! Whose truck will be crowned the most beautiful truck of the Netherlands? Which truck will win the first price among the Showtrucks, and which one among the Special Paint Trucks. And even more exciting: who will become Best of Show?
Special paint and showtrucks
We will have a parade of the many special paint trucks and show trucks from all over Europe. Different prizes are given for these trucks!
Most Beautiful Truck of Holland contest
For many the most exciting moment is the finale of Holland’s Most Beautiful Truck Contest. All 24 contenders have been on display and lined up on the paddock for all to see. But which truck will win this year’s title?
G. & J. van Leeuwen – Scania R490: Holland’s Most Beautiful Truck of 2016.
The public’s choice
In addition, in 2013 we introduced the possibility for the public to pick their favourite truck from among the 24 contenders. The winner in 2016 was this DAF combination, owned by Twan Bierings Transport with driver Rick Boskeljon.
Kid’s village, fair and trucker’s market and music
Each year there is a special village for children too, a large fair and a truckers market. In addition, on Saturday night we organise the ‘Hollandse Avond’ with performances by well-known artists from Holland.
Furthermore, Truckstar Festival hosts a large number of stands for businesses and the big truck brands.

The Hollandse Avond – or Dutch Night – features a great line-up of popular Dutch artists.
Advertising and sponsoring
There are plenty of sponsoring and participation possibilities at Truckstar Festival, offering you great opportunities of presenting your brand to the public. Interested in participating in 2017’s edition? Please contact the following people:
Jan Jaap Verweij
Phone: +31 (0)20 – 210 54 11
E-mail: janjaap@truckstar.nl
Mascha Brinkkemper
Phone: +31 (0)20 – 210 54 11
E-mail: mascha@truckstar.nl
Camping sites / Hotels
Hotels and camping sites in the area are listed by city. For further information, please contact the hotel or camping site in question or the Tourist Board (VVV) in Assen:
VVV Assen
Marktstraat 8-10
tel: 0031 592 243788
Assen – Van der Valk Hotel
Phone: +31 (0)592 851515
E-mail: info@assen.valk.nl
Assen – Hotel de Jonge
Phone: +31(0)592 312023
E-mail: info@hoteldejonge.nl
Check this list for more hotels in the area.
Camping sites
Assen – Witterzomer
Phone: +31 (0)592 393535
E-mail: info@witterzomer.nl
Assen – TT-camping Asserboys
Phone: +31 (0)592 371377
E-mail: tt-camping@asserboys.nl
Borger – Recreatiepark Hunzedal
Phone: +31 (0)599 234698
E-mail: info@hunzedal.nl
Check this list for more camping sites in the area.
As the Assen TT circuit is situated directly next to the A28 motorway from Zwolle to Groningen, and only one minute from exit 32 (Assen Zuid), the TT racetrack in Assen is easily found. Signs will direct all motorvehicles. Groningen Airport (Eelde) is only fifteen minutes by car from the TT racetrack in Assen.
Getting there by car or motorcycle:
1. From the south, take the A28 motorway, exit Assen Zuid (number 32)
2. From the north, take the A28 motorway, exit Assen Zuid (number 32)
3. From the east, take the N33 motorway, exit Assen Zuid (number 32)
4. From the west, by way of Smilde, exit Assen, go past the Motel Van der Valk and take a right at the second traffic lights.
Near by the TT racetrack there is sufficient parking space. There are no parking fees!
Getting there by public transport
Intercity services from major cities like Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Zwolle, Groningen and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol all call at Assen railway station. Coming from other cities will typically require one to change trains once or in some cases twice.
Shuttle bus
During Truckstar Festival there will be a shuttle service between the Assen railway station and the TT racetrack at least twice an hour.
Place – Distance – Travelling
Groningen – 15 miles – 20 min.
Hoogeveen – 18 miles – 20 min.
Emmen – 25 miles – 30 min.
Zwolle – 44 miles – 40 min.
Heerenveen – 47 miles -45 min.
Utrecht – 94 miles – 1 hr 20 min.
Amsterdam – 106 miles – 1 hr 45 min.
Den Bosch – 125 miles – 2 hr 00 min.
Rotterdam – 137 miles – 2 hr 10 min.
Any further questions?
Please send an e-mail to festival@truckstar.nl or marketing@truckstar.nl.